Chasing Dreams Doodle

Your dreams are not my dreams. They are yours. Something you want for your life. Not mine.

The same is true for my dreams. They are probably much different than yours. Something I want for my life. Not yours.

Chasing dreams is a challenging thing.

A lot of people won’t understand the obsession. A lot of people won’t care. They will wonder why you’re not off getting married, having babies, or buying a house. Or whatever it is that they think you should be doing instead.

But there’s a very small group of people that will not only care about your dreams, they’ll support the chase. They’ll ask you how they can help. They’ll ask who they can call that might open a door for you. Or they’re there when cry because the journey has gotten too challenging, and the questions and doubt start creeping in.

This is a small, beautiful group of people willing to support the chasing of dreams. Willing to encourage it. Willing to prioritize it — even if they don’t understand it.

They know that your dreams are yours. They are important to you. And they want to see you filled with joy and excitement on the days that your dreams come true.

Your dreams are yours. They may become important to other people because you believe they are worth the chase. But they are still your dreams.

Keep up the chase.