Editing Brewconomy

Editing Brewconomy

Yesterday I met with my editor, Meredith Kaplan, to watch the very first rough cut of Brewconomy. It was incredible! I can’t tell you how much I loved watching the rough cut and how much I truly appreciate having Meredith’s help on the film!!! Yes, three...

An Ode to Editing

You know I have a love-hate relationship with editing video. Can you believe I’ve been editing video for about 10 years? Whew, buddy. I’ve written about editing many times on this blog. Search “editing” in the box at the top of the page to get...

Video Editing Software

Last weekend I spent a lot of time editing video — on three different films with three different editing programs. Who does that? Call me crazy. But I have my reasons. I’m working on a few different projects and am testing out filmmaking processes. I kinda...

UPDATE: Short Comedy Film

It’s been a while since I shared an update on the short comedy film I made with some friends earlier this year. Last weekend I edited, added music, and tweaked the credits. It’s THIS CLOSE to being finished. I’ve made documentaries but this is my...