Here are a few behind the scenes photos from Sunday’s shoot!

We will keep uploading photos to my public Facebook page (Camden Watts).

We know you’ve asked for this kind of stuff, and we want you to see it. Please take note that Facebook’s algorithms have changed, so you won’t see updates or photos in your newsfeed unless you like, comment, or share.

You can also see a few behind-the-scenes photos on Instagram.


"AK" by Camden Watts

L to R: Andrew Martin, Kyle Messina, and Rob Russell


"AK" by Camden Watts

L to R: Mike Williams, Olivia Griego, and Hayley Tate


"AK" by Camden Watts

Gray McClamrock and Kyle Messina


"AK" by Camden Watts

L to R: Olivia Griego, Hayley Tate, Aaron Bittikofer, Kent Willard, Andrew Martin, and Paul Kilpatrick

Special thanks to Smith Cameron Photography for taking these photos on Sunday!