Finding your voice.

It’s a phrase I’ve heard a lot in the film business. But I don’t think I fully understood what it meant until this year.

A lot of things changed for me in 2016. I’m still processing it all. One thing I’ve picked up, thankfully, is a much clearer vision of my artistic voice.

Now I feel much more confident about:

  • Who I am as a filmmaker and who I want to become
  • What I want to say as a filmmaker and how I want to say it
  • What tools I can use to express myself through film / video
  • How to build a trusted team that can help bring the vision to life
  • Ways to connect with audiences before, during, and after my film gets made / seen

Now it’s easier to identify what kind of stories I want to tell, characters captivate me, and kind of patterns I’m setting in my life as an artist. That makes everything else a lot easier, too.

If you know where you want to go, it’s easier to find the path to get there. Otherwise, any road will do. As the Cheshire cat tells us.

Does this mean I’ve got it all figured out? Of course not.

A big part of the fun is continually learning and pushing myself to be better. I think that’s in my DNA as artist and entrepreneur. I’m always pushing, exploring, processing, and discovering.

One thing’s for sure: I’m really excited about 2017.