This morning, as I watched the sun rise, I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

It’s something I’ve been practicing a lot this year: counting every single little joy. It’s changed everything for me. I am much happier, despite all of the challenges.

There are plenty of challenges when you’re chasing dreams.

I won’t lie. It’s hard work.

It’s an uncharted territory, filled with beasts that are both imagined and real. Even when your dreams actually come true. (In fact, that might be the toughest part: when your dreams do come true. It’s weird.)

This morning, however, for a few brief moments the world was quiet.

As the sun rose above the clouds, I reflected on all that’s happened in my life.

And I was content.

I felt grateful for how this life of mine has gone, how much I’ve grown, and what’s going to happen next. It felt as if everything has fallen into place. It felt like I was exactly where I’m supposed to be – as if that’s a thing.

The point, I suppose, is that each step is something you can appreciate. If you choose to appreciate it. If you’re willing to chose optimism, gratitude, and growth. If you’re willing to do the messy, soul-searching stuff on the journey.

Bottom line?

Enjoy the journey. Celebrate the little victories. Stop long enough to watch the sunrise or sunset.

Each step is a joy – even when it’s a challenge.