negative-thirtySo I totally set a New Years Resolution to get fit. I outlined a few things I thought would help me quickly lose weight and said it out loud to my man so he’d hold me accountable. But guess what? I’ve already broken some of my own rules and we’re only on Day Three of 2013. I’m such a wimp!

Here are a few things I’m going to try — yet again — to do this year:

  • Exercise 3 – 5 times a week
  • Eat fries only once a month
  • Start meal planning weekly
  • Go grocery shopping weekly
  • Stock the house with healthy snacks
  • Stop stress eating — fortheloveofallthingsholy
  • Drink plenty of water every day
  • Drink fewer alcoholic beverages
  • Get plenty of sleep each night
  • Start eating breakfast
  • Put less sugar in my coffee
  • Completely cut out sodas

These are a few things that I think will help me lose weight pretty quickly. I tried it a few years ago and it worked like a charm. I’ve just gotta start some new routines and get organized. The holidays destroyed my good habits but these things are easy enough implement again now that we’re settled into 2013.

What are you doing to keep healthy? Tell me. Keep me motivated!