CJ Lyons, author-entrepreneur [via]

I’ve been reading changes in the film industry for many years. There are quite a few similarities to the publishing and music industries. Since the changes to these three industries are all fairly similar — financial projections that rely on rapidly changing technology — I read as much as I can about them to better understand what’s happening.

[Want to know more about the changes in the film industry? Do a little research and come back. Here, let me Google that for you.]

Some folks seem a little freaked out about the industry changes, while others see opportunities and make the most out of it.  Mark McGuinness recently wrote about CJ Lyons, an author who took matters into her own hands and managed to sell a million self-published books, on Copy Blogger. (Read the full post here.)

Did you get that? Lyons sold a million self-published books. That means one million copies of what she created is now in the hands of her fans. Lyons took the time to appreciate and understand her audience, grow it, and sell something she made.

That sounds very similar to what independent filmmakers dream about, doesn’t it? In the article Mark McGuinness outlines seven things CJ Lyons did as an author-entrepreneur. Do you see ways we can relate these lessons to independent film?

1. Mine your experience
2. Put in the hours (even when they’re in short supply)
3. Use creative positioning
4. Be generous
5. Price strategically
6. Earn permission to stay in touch (and know when to ask for a favor)
7. Accelerate when you build momentum

Read the entire article and think about how it applies to filmmaking: How an Enterprising Author Sold a Million Self-Published Books via Copy Blogger. Tell me what you think!