Studio Style

Rustic? Industrial? Modern? Glam? I’m not sure what style to use for my new studio. So I’ve been pinning like a mad man, trying to figure it out. I’ll may end up with a tiny bit of each style in the room. It will be glorious. Here are some of the...

New studio planning

Recently I shared pics from my old studio, circa 2010. (You missed it? No sweat. Click here to read the post.) I’m looking back on that space so that I can plan my new studio. I’m in the middle of production on my next documentary film and I want a work...

New Couch Aquired

The home office re-do is coming along…slowly. Yesterday a new item was acquired! It’ll look great in there. This split-back sofa has no arms, so it folds down into a sleeper sofa. So modern and cool. I love it! Can’t wait to see it in the office and...

The Bad Wants

I got the “bad wants” as my dad says. I want, want, want! I went shopping for Christmas gifts, and now all I wanna do is decorate and shop. Shop, shop, shop. Right now I want new home office furniture — pronto. Here are a few things I like at Ikea....