Two Months of Motherhood

Two Months of Motherhood

My husband and I are two months in and we’re doing alright! The first month of motherhood was so lovely.* There was a lot of adrenaline, quality time with family and friends, and parenting things to discover. I was no longer pregnant so I could finally consume...

How to fail with confidence

The cat jump fail set to Sail is one of my absolute favorite viral videos. What can a funny cat video teach you about failing? If you’re going to make a leap of faith, do it with confidence. Even if you fail, it’ll be awesome.
How I packed for Positano, Italy

How I packed for Positano, Italy

My family and I vacationed in Positano, Italy, in May 2017. I’ve already shared an introduction to Positano, discovering local craft beer on the Amalfi Coast, and where to eat while you’re there. Before flying out this year, I spent a lot of time researching tips for...